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Un streamer sin rostro, como rostro

En esta campaña para Old Spice utilizamos a Dylantero, un conocido streamer de video juegos de Chile, que se caracteriza porque su personaje tiene cubierto el rostro con una bolsa. Así que quisimos dar un paso más y no solo utilizar sus canales, sino que meter a su personaje dentro del Gamer Room que sortearía Old Spice, para ello lo animamos en un video ilustrado y usamos sus canales para difundir el contenido y un filtro para instagram.

In this campaign for Old Spice we use Dylantero, a well-known video game streamer from Chile, who is characterized by the fact that his character has a bag over his face. So we wanted to go one step further and not only use his channels, but put his character inside the Gamer Room that Old Spice would raffle, for this we animated him in an illustrated video and we used his channels to spread the content and a filter for Instagram .


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